Become a K8s Administrator — Go from Zero to Hero!
Kubernetes (K8s) is the most popular platform for container orchestration. More and more companies are adopting it. So, the need for IT professionals who know Kubernetes is higher than ever and increasing every year.
This means, if you invest time in learning K8s and getting certified as a K8s administrator, you will have an incredible advantage and a head start in your IT career!
K8s is an open-source system for automating deployment and management of containerized applications.
I wanted to create the most valuable K8s Administrator course 🚀 As usual you can expect complex topics explained in a simple way, animations to help you understand the concepts better and lots of hands-on demos!
Course Curriculum
Your Path to become a K8s Administrator
Chapter 1:
Kubernetes Core Concepts
1 - Introduction to Kubernetes
2 - Main Kubernetes Components
3 - Kubernetes Architecture (Control Plane and Worker Nodes)
4 - Manage Kubernetes Resources - kubectl and config file
5 - K8s Configuration File
6 - Pre-Requisite: YAML Basics
Chapter 2:
Build Kubernetes Cluster from Scratch
1 - Chapter Introduction and Background Story
2 - Pre-Requisite: AWS Basics
3 - Provision Infrastructure on AWS
4 - Pre-Requisite: TLS Certificates
5 - Kubernetes Cluster Installation Steps
6 - Configure K8s Nodes
7 - Container Runtime Interface
8 - Install Container Runtime (Containerd)
9 - Install kubeadm, kubelet and kubectl
10 - Initialize Cluster with kubeadm
11 - Connect to cluster (kubeconfig & kubectl)
12 - Organize Resources with Namespaces
13 - kube-system namespace
14 - Pre-Requisite: Networking Basics
15 - Networking in K8s - Overview
16 - Container Communication
17 - Container Network Interface - CNI
18 - Configure Network Plugin - Cilium
19 - Join Worker Nodes to cluster
Chapter 3:
Deployment, Services & DNS in Kubernetes (Deploy Applications)
1 - Chapter Overview
2 - Deploy nginx
3 - Create nginx Service
4 - Labelling Components
5 - Scaling Deployments & Record Kubectl Commands
6 - Connect to nginx Pod
7 - Why DNS?
8 - Pre-Requisite: Domain Name System (DNS)
9 - DNS in Kubernetes
10 - Configure Service IP Address
11 - Pro Tip for kubectl
Chapter 4:
External Services & Ingress Controller (Access from Outside)
1 - Chapter Overview
2 - NodePort
3 - Loadbalancer
4 - Ingress
5 - Setup Ingress - Overview
6 - Helm - Package Manager
7 - Deploy Ingress Controller
8 - Configure Routing
Chapter 5:
Control Access with Users & Permissions
1 - Chapter Introduction
2 - Authorization with Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
3 - Other Authorization Modes
4 - Certificates in Kubernetes
5 - Certificates API
6 - Demo Overview - Users & Permissions
7 - Create User Account
8 - Connect to Cluster with User
9 - Give User Permission - ClusterRole
10 - Create ServiceAccount & Permissions
Chapter 6:
1 - Chapter Introduction
2 - Troubleshoot Applications
3 - Debug with temporary Pods
4 - Kubectl Format Output
5 - Troubleshoot Kubelet and Kubectl Issues
Chapter 7:
Multi Container Pods
1 - Chapter Introduction
2 - Sidcar and Init Containers
3 - Demo: Deploy Sidecar and Init Container
4 - Exposing Pod Information
Chapter 8:
Persist Data in Kubernetes (Volumes)
1 - Chapter Introduction
2 - Persisting Data with Volumes - PV, PVC, SC
3 - Configure HostPath Volume
4 - Configure emptyDir Volume
Chapter 9:
External Configuration with ConfigMap and Secret
1 - Introduction to ConfigMap and Secret
2 - Demo: Pass as Environment Variables
3 - Demo: Pass as Volumes
Chapter 10:
Resource Requests & Limits
1 - Chapter Introduction
2 - What are Resource Requests and Limits
3 - Demo: Configure Resource Requests and LImits
Chapter 11:
Scheduling Pods
1 - Chapter Introduction
2 - NodeName and Node Selector - Assigning Pods to Nodes
3 - Node Affinity - Assigning Pods to Nodes
4 - Taints & Tolerations
5 - Inter-Pod Affinity
Chapter 12:
Health Checks with Liveness and Readiness Probes
1 - Chapter Introduction
2 - What are Liveness and Readiness Probes
3 - Configure Liveness and Readiness Probes
Chapter 13:
Deployment Strategies - Rolling Update
1 - Chapter Introduction
2 - What is a ReplicaSet
3 - Deployment Update Strategies - Rolling Update
Chapter 14:
ETCD Backup & Restore
1 - Chapter Introduction
2 - What etcd stores
3 - Backing up etcd store
4 - Alternatives to manage etcd
5 - Restoring etcd
Chapter 15:
Kubernetes REST API
1 - Chapter Introduction
2 - Access REST API with kubectl proxy
3 - Interacting with REST API (without kubectl proxy)
Chapter 16:
Upgrade K8s Cluster
1 - Chapter Introduction
2 - How Cluster Upgrade works
3 - Backing up etcd store
4 - Demo: Upgrade Cluster
Chapter 17:
Manage multiple Clusters with Kube Contexts
1 - Chapter Introduction
2 - Working with multiple clusters using Kube Contexts
Chapter 18:
Certificate Management in Kubernetes
1 - Chapter Introduction
2 - Check Certificate Expiration
3 - Renew Certificates
Chapter 19:
Secure Cluster - Control Traffic with Network Policies
1 - Chapter Introduction
2 - How Network Policies work
3 - Configure Network Policies for Cluster
Chapter 20:
CKA Exam Tips
1 - Chapter Introduction
2 - Exam Tips
3 - Tips during exam
4 - Practice with Mock Exams
5 - Official Exam Resources

Who this course is for:

DevOps Engineers

System Administrators

Software Developers

Especially for people
who want to become a K8s Administrator
who want to pass the CKA exam successfully
who need to set up and maintain a K8s cluster at work

Basics of Containers - Docker (My Docker Course on Youtube is sufficient)

Linux Basics (Working with the terminal)
What you’ll learn

Build K8s cluster from scratch

Secure K8s cluster

Administer K8s cluster

Configure Access with Users & Permissions

Networking in Kubernetes

Upgrade cluster

Troubleshoot K8s cluster

Configure Storage

Etcd Backup & Restore

Deploy, scale & configure applications

Compared to other courses about K8s... learn everything hands-on! Instead of "just" explaining the concepts theoretically, you work with step by step demos.
So, you'll have done everything a Kubernetes Administrator has to do with real life examples on virtual machines instead of working in a sandbox environment.
Starting from installing Kubernetes to configuring and administering it!

Millions of students love the way I explain complex concepts in an easy way! 💡
No rushing through topics or shallow explanations.
Instead I explain every concept behind, so you'll have a deep understanding and big picture. You can apply the skills right at your work.

Nana Janashia
Your Instructor
Hi, my name is Nana. I'm a DevOps Engineer and Trainer.
I've taught millions of people about Kubernetes and how to become professional DevOps engineers through my DevOps bootcamp, Youtube channel and online courses.
Why learn from me

You will learn how to set up a Kubernetes cluster and administer it step by step and simply explained

I've helped thousands of people to pass the CKA exam

Millions of students love the way how I explain complex concepts in an easy way, so that everyone can understand it

Learn from a CNCF Ambassador, AWS Container Hero and Docker Captain