# 1 DevSecOps Bootcamp

Students Enrolled

Trustpilot Rating

4 months
Program Duration

Real-life Projects
Become a

Certified DevSecOps
• From Mid-Level to becoming a confident Senior Engineer that is irreplaceable for companies
• DevSecOps certification program that takes your DevOps and Cloud skills from mediocre to mastery
• Extensive DevSecOps projects that mirror actual real-life implementations with best practices

The Bootcamp Is For You If You...

Are stuck at Mid-Level and want to become a Senior Engineer

Have good DevOps skills, but don't know how to reach your next level

Need a clear, structured learning path (= real-life implementation blueprint for your project)
And Want To

Become a Senior Engineer in Months and not Years

Show recruiters your DevOps and Cloud skills with confidence

Learn the complete skillset to confidently implement DevSecOps at your company
WARNING: Not for Beginners in DevOps
Do our DevOps Bootcamp first, if you are a DevOps Newbie
DevSecOps Learning Schedule
Recommended 4-month Schedule based on 15-20 hours/week
Self-Paced Online Bootcamp - You can finish faster or take longer

DevSecOps Course Curriculum
Career-focused curriculum made to match industry demands, ensuring you learn skills that are directly applicable to the job market.
Chapter 1:
Security Essentials
1 - Chapter Handout
2 - Introduction to Security
3 - Importance of Security & Impact of Security Breaches
4 - How to Secure Systems Against Attacks
5 - Types of Security Attacks - Part 1
6 - Types of Security Attacks - Part 2
7 - OWASP top 10 - Part 1
8 - OWASP top 10 - Part 2
9 - Security in Layers
Chapter 2:
Introduction to DevSecOps
1 - Chapter Handout
2 - Issues with Traditional Approach to Security
3 - Understand DevSecOps
4 - Roles & Responsibilities in DevSecOps
Chapter 3:
Application Vulnerability Scanning
1 - Chapter Handout
2 - Build a Continuous Integration Pipeline
3 - Impact of Missing Security Insights
4 - Secret Scanning with GitLeaks - Local Environment
5 - Pre-commit Hook for Secret Scanning & Integrating GitLeaks in CI Pipeline
6 - False Positives & Fixing Security Vulnerabilities
7 - Integrate SAST Scans in Release Pipeline
Chapter 4:
Vulnerability Management and Remediation
1 - Chapter Handout
2 - Generate Security Scanning Reports
3 - Introduction to DefectDojo, Managing Security Findings, CWEs
4 - Automate Uploading Security Scan Results to DefectDojo
5 - Fix Security Issues Discovered in the DevSecOps Pipeline
Chapter 5:
Vulnerability Scanning for Application Dependencies
1 - Chapter Handout
2 - Software Composition Analysis - Security Issues in Application Dependencies
3 - Import SCA Scan Reports in DefectDojo, Fixing SCA Findings, CVEs
4 - Overview of Static Security Scans in CI Pipeline
Chapter 6:
Build a CD Pipeline
1 - Chapter Handout
2 - Overview of a CI/CD Pipeline
3 - Introduction to Security Layers for AWS Access
4 - Integrate CI/CD Pipeline with AWS ECR
5 - Configure Application Deployment Environment on EC2 Server
6 - Deploy Application to EC2 Server with Release Pipeline
7 - Configure Self-Managed GitLab Runner for Pipeline Jobs
8 - Build Application Images on Self-Managed Runner, Leverage Docker Caching
Chapter 7:
Image Scanning - Build Secure Docker Images
1 - Chapter Handout
2 - Overview of Image Security
3 - Configure Automated Security Scanning in Application Image
4 - Analyze & Fix Security Issues from Findings in Application Image
5 - Automate Uploading Image Scanning Results in DefectDojo
6 - Docker Security Best Practices
7 - Configure Automated Image Security Scanning in ECR Image Repository
8 - Overview of Automated Application Code and Image Scanning Steps
Chapter 8:
AWS Cloud Security & Access Management
1 - Chapter Handout
2 - AWS Security Essentials
3 - Understand AWS Access Management using IAM Service
4 - Securing AWS Root User Account
5 - IAM Users, Groups & Policies
6 - Docker Security Best Practices
7 - Secure Access from CI/CD Pipeline to AWS
8 - Understand Importance of IAM Roles in AWS Cloud Security
9 - Overview of IAM Resources & Secure Access Management in AWS
Chapter 9:
Secure Continuous Deployment & DAST
1 - Chapter Handout
2 - Security Essentials for Accessing Deployment Server
3 - Configure AWS Systems Manager for EC2 Server
4 - AWS SSM Commands in Release Pipeline for Server Access
5 - Secure Continuous Deployment to Server using SSM
6 - Secure Access to AWS with IAM Roles & Short-Lived Credentials
7 - Overview of AWS Security Measures and Continuous Security Improvements
8 - Understand Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)
9 - Configure Automated DAST Scans in CI/CD Pipeline
10 - Overview of Complete DevSecOps Pipeline with Static and Dynamic Security Scans
Chapter 10:
IaC and GitOps for DevSecOps
1 - Chapter Handout
2 - Understand Impact of IaC in Security & DevSecOps
3 - Terraform Script for AWS Infrastructure Provisioning
4 - Replace Manually Created Infrastructure with Automatically Provisioned Resources
5 - Build CI/CD Pipeline for Infrastructure Code using GitOps Principles
6 - Configure Remote State for Terraform
7 - Add Automated Security Scan to TF Infrastructure Code
8 - Understand IaC Concept "Cattle vs Pets"

What’s included in the DevSecOps Bootcamp

23+ Tools covered
Most comprehensive DevSecOps course with 23+ tools to learn
Advanced projects that build on top of each other
Real-life use cases of integrating multiple tools together to build DevSecOps automations

Build an extensive portfolio of projects to showcase your work
Gain experience and confidence with tons of practical training
Projects that mirror actual DevOps tasks and are directly applicable at work
Live Support
Live Support from senior DevOps and Cloud engineers
Multiple timezones covered for fast response times
24/7 support including weekends, so you can learn any time convenient for you
Bonus #1

Official digital certificate to show the world you're job ready
Become a "Certified DevSecOps Practitioner"
At no additional cost
Bonus #2

Illustrated Handouts
Accompanying handout for every single chapter
Overview with key takeaways to retain your knowledge most efficiently

Bonus #3
Be part of exclusive Discord community
Support in multiple timezones, to guarantee quick reply no matter where you are
The Only DevSecOps Engineer Bootcamp You Need

Our TWN DevSecOps Bootcamp

Affordable, top-tier education

Learn how to combine the tools, so you are able to connect the dots and have a clear big picture understanding

Every line of code is explained, deep proficiency in every tool, no knowledge gaps at all

Always up-to-date, always relevant learning materials

Flexible to adjust to your life circumstances, learn at your own pace

Re-watch, get back to the bootcamp later to revisit topics for your work
Other Academies/Bootcamps

Expensive: The Average Cost is $5,000 - $10,000

Teach tools isolated from each other, so you don't get the complete picture and how to build end-2-end processes

Copy-pasting of code, so you miss concepts and deep understanding of tools

Content gets old, with no updates

Mandatory class times and rigid completion date

No access to materials after program. Can't review later for on-the-job tasks
Who this bootcamp is for?
This is an advanced course that builds on top of existing DevOps know-how
Intermediate level of the following DevOps technologies and concepts:

Be able to build a complete CI/CD Pipeline





AWS Platform

IaC with Terraform

GitLab CI/CD

Our DevOps Bootcamp is highly recommended as a pre-requisite
For GitLab CI/CD knowledge, our GitLab CI/CD course is recommended
Who this course is NOT for:

For complete DevOps Newbies

People with basic engineering skills

You can learn the all this yourself, BUT please note:
When you enroll in our DevSecOps Bootcamp, you need the same level of knowledge that you learn in our DevOps bootcamp & GitLab Cl course!

Enroll completely risk free

You will 10x your value by learning DevSecOps skills from this Bootcamp
Need any advice or question before enrollment?

I literally bought and went through every known DevSecOps course and bootcamp and program available (there aren’t many), some of them pretty decent. But I made sure that ours would be 10x better than the best among those.
I actually analyzed things they were missing, things that I know we generally do better, like animations, practical real life use cases etc.
Created in collaboration with industry experts

"How do I know and how can I make such a bold statement?
"The most profound DevSecOps course that exists"
And for every single topic, I got inputs from industry experts. I got inputs from the engineers of the tools (AWS, Docker, K8s engineers specialized in security aspects of the technology) that I covered in the course to make sure the production best practices and real-like scenarios would be properly covered. And I’m fortunate enough to have that access through our channel’s reach. I used that opportunity and took advantage of every resource I had available to make this course even more valuable for our students.
Why go so crazy about it?
Because why not. Why not do the best, put in the 200% and go above and beyond. This is what I love doing, this is what we are actually good at and this is what I see changing people’s careers and lives. So my question would be, how would I not do all these?
So I can say with absolute confidence, that our DevSecOps course is the highest quality content, you can find. And where you can learn the most and REALLY learn how to actually build the real-life production-grade DevSecOps pipelines, which is not an easy task to do at all and there aren’t many engineers that will be able to claim this skill.
So if you really wanna stand out with your expertise and 10x your market value on the job market and push your career to the next level, then you are absolutely right with us.
I actually literally just typed this out, as it flowed through my mind, because I just feel like we need to communicate the value that we are creating through this courses for the students. And honestly I don’t wanna downplay and undersell what we have created with intentional, deliberate effort. None of these quality criteria are random and accidental. I made sure that we actually created the best course available out there, and I want to deliver the message properly too, so I got a bit carried away :D
See you inside,